Empyrean Energy (EME)


Energy Producers


FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 0.65
  • 52 Week Low: 0.073
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 3,735.09m
  • Volume: 338,909,532
  • Market Cap: £4.58m
  • RiskGrade: 293
  • Beta: 0.02

Empyrean Energy announces land access deal for Wilson River 1 wellsite

By Josh White

Date: Tuesday 28 Jan 2025

LONDON (ShareCast) - (Sharecast News) - Empyrean Energy announced the execution of a conduct and compensation agreement (CCA) for land access to the Wilson River 1 well site in Australia on Tuesday.

The AIM-traded firm said the agreement, secured by Chi Oil and Gas, the operator of the project, was a key milestone in advancing pre-drilling activities.

It said the CCA would govern access to the site and enable the joint venture to proceed with necessary surveys, as well as infrastructure preparations, including upgrading access tracks and preparing the drill pad.

The steps were described as critical precursors to the drilling and testing phases of the Wilson River 1 well.

"The CCA is an important milestone and provides the JV with the necessary land access before and during drilling and testing," said chief executive officer Tom Kelly.

"We look forward to providing shareholders with further progress reports as we step closer to drilling the Wilson River 1 well."

At 1412 GMT, shares in Empyrean Energy were up 2.7% at 0.1p.

Reporting by Josh White for Sharecast.com.

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Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: RiskGrade figures are provided by RiskMetrics.


Empyrean Energy Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 0.12p
Change Today 0.000p
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High 0.65
52 Week Low 0.073
Volume 338,909,532
Shares Issued 3,735.09m
Market Cap £4.58m
Beta 0.02
RiskGrade 293

Empyrean Energy Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
16.8% below the market average16.8% below the market average16.8% below the market average16.8% below the market average16.8% below the market average
28.57% above the sector average28.57% above the sector average28.57% above the sector average28.57% above the sector average28.57% above the sector average
Price Trend
95.43% below the market average95.43% below the market average95.43% below the market average95.43% below the market average95.43% below the market average
86.49% below the sector average86.49% below the sector average86.49% below the sector average86.49% below the sector average86.49% below the sector average
Income Not Available
Growth Not Available

Empyrean Energy Dividends

No dividends found

Trades for 13-Mar-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
15:41 6,530,612 @ 0.12p
16:23 943,088 @ 0.12p
16:09 1,400,000 @ 0.12p
16:09 848,821 @ 0.12p
16:06 500,000 @ 0.12p

Empyrean Energy Key Personnel

CEO Thomas Kelly

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