Ironveld (IRON)




FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 0.25
  • 52 Week Low: 0.035
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 3,935.00m
  • Volume: 0
  • Market Cap: £1.50m

Ironveld Overview

Ironveld plc is an exploration and development company. It is engaged in the mining, exploration, processing and smelting of Vanadiferous and Titaniferous Magnetite in South Africa. Its high purity iron, vanadium and titanium project located on the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex in Limpopo Province South Africa. The Bushveld is a metallogenic province covering approximately 66,000 square kilometers (km2) in the north of South Africa. It hosts mineral deposits, including platinum group metals, vanadium, chrome, palladium and rhodium. It has an operating mining division, which mines vanadiferous-titaniferous-magnetite for sale to industrial users and to its own smelting division, which processes its magnetite ore into three products: high purity iron, vanadium slag and titanium slag.

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Latest F'cast
Div Yield 0.0% 0.0%
Div Cover n/a n/a
Op Mrgn -1200.0% n/a
ROCE n/a  
Latest F'cast
P/E n/a n/a
PEG n/a n/a
Pr/Revenue 14.5 n/a
Pr/Book 0.1  
Latest F'cast
Revenue n/a n/a
PBT n/a n/a
EPS n/a n/a
DPS n/a n/a

Ironveld Fundamentals

Year Ending Revenue (£m) Pre-tax (£m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
30-Jun-19 n/a (0.62) (0.10)p n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0%
30-Jun-20 n/a (1.02) (0.16)p n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0%
30-Jun-21 n/a (0.47) (0.05)p n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0%
30-Jun-22 n/a (0.81) (0.06)p n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0%
30-Jun-23 0.10 (1.17) (0.02)p n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0%

a. Based on UK GAAP presentation of accounts - includes discontinued activities

Ironveld Company Announcements

Update on Funding Discussions 06-Jun-2024 12:22 RNS
TR-1: Notification of major holdings 14-May-2024 07:00 RNS
Appointment of CEO 02-May-2024 07:00 RNS

Latest Ironveld Director Deals

No deals were found in the last 28 days.

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: Above ratios are on a 'per annum' basis, adjusted for corporate actions and based on the fundamentals of the primary listed security.

Note 3: Under IFRS, all figures are based on 'Continuing' operations unless otherwise stated.

Note 4: In the case of dual listed securities, broker recommendations and forecasts relate to the primary listing.

Note 5: Forecast figures based on normalised accounts.


Ironveld Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 0.038p
Change Today 0.000p
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High 0.25
52 Week Low 0.035
Volume 0
Shares Issued 3,935.00m
Market Cap £1.50m

Ironveld Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
38.86% above the market average38.86% above the market average38.86% above the market average38.86% above the market average38.86% above the market average
45.05% above the sector average45.05% above the sector average45.05% above the sector average45.05% above the sector average45.05% above the sector average
Price Trend
93.79% below the market average93.79% below the market average93.79% below the market average93.79% below the market average93.79% below the market average
93.88% below the sector average93.88% below the sector average93.88% below the sector average93.88% below the sector average93.88% below the sector average
Income Not Available
Growth Not Available

Ironveld Dividends

No dividends found

Trades for --2024

Time Volume / Share Price
0 @ 0.000p

Ironveld Key Personnel

CEO Kristoffer Andersson

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