Market Data for US

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Name Value Chg
n/a N/A
n/a N/A
n/a N/A
n/a N/A
n/a N/A
n/a N/A
Rates Rate
USD / GBP 0.7506
USD / EUR 0.8959
USD / JPY 143.89

UK Share Movers



Dow Jones I.A. Risers

Company Value Chg Time
Nike Inc.
$ 86.52
6.8% 21:15:48
Intel Corp.
$ 21.84
3.3% 23:15:32
International Business Machines Corporation (CDI)
$ 217.70
1.8% 21:14:06
Procter & Gamble Co.
$ 174.22
1.6% 21:13:20
Coca-Cola Co.
$ 71.64
1.4% 21:15:16

Dow Jones I.A. Fallers

Company Value Chg Time
Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. $ 8.71 -3.0% 23:18:35
Dow Chemical Co. $ 51.71 -2.2% 21:13:40
Caterpillar Inc. $ 368.82 -1.2% 21:15:09
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. $ 498.43 -1.1% 21:13:27
Boeing Co. $ 153.29 -0.8% 21:13:19

*The lists above are correct as of Friday, 20th September 09:30:48 PM – individual prices will stream but the change in ordering will not be reflected.

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