Editor's Picks

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  • Fat cats back on the news agenda

    Monday 17 Aug 2009

    Compass, a left wing pressure group, has called for the creation by the government of a High Pay Commission to launch ‘a wide-ranging review’ of the pay of top bosses and high earners operating in the world of finance.

  • BRC calls for home appliance scrappage scheme

    Monday 17 Aug 2009

    The British Retail Consortium called for VAT to be removed entirely from energy efficient appliances and said a car-industry-style scrappage scheme should be considered for household appliances such as fridge-freezers.

  • Shaftesbury sees demand for offices fall

    Monday 17 Aug 2009

    Shaftesbury warned that demand for offices continues to fall, though the London's West End-focused property firm said demand for retail, restaurant and residential accommodation continues to be healthy.

  • Fresnillo reiterates production targets

    Monday 17 Aug 2009

    Silver miner Fresnillo saw revenue slide in the first half of 2009 as the price of silver declined.

  • Japan's economy returns to growth

    Monday 17 Aug 2009

    Japan has returned to economic growth in the second quarter of the year, bringing an end to the country’s worst recession since the Second World War. The country’s economy grew by 0.9% quarter-on-quarter between April and June and by 3.7% at an annual pace, Cabinet Office data showed on Monday. It follows recent data that showed Germany, France and Hong King returning to economic growth

  • Monday newspaper round-up

    Sunday 16 Aug 2009

    The Financial Services Authority’s efforts to strengthen its supervisory and enforcement work by recruiting hundreds more staff have been thrown off course by the Conservative party’s plan to disband the regulator, says the FT.

  • Mortgages make banks a fortune

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Banks are making a mint on mortgages as consumers pay far more for their home loans than its costs the banks to borrow, new figures revealed this week.

  • Friends takeover - what it means for you

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Friends Provident has finally succumbed to the overtures of Clive Cowdery’s consolidation vehicle Resolution, but what will the tie-up mean for the insurer’s policyholders, investors and the rest of the industry?

  • Bulls welcome new ammunition

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Though it will be of little consolation to the increasing number of people being pitched on to the dole, the last few days have seen a number of indicators that lend support to the belief that this is a genuine bull market rally. The market seized on the Fed’s decision to end its quantitative easing programme by November and hail it as a sign that the worst of the recession may be over

  • Vedanta boss a winner in director deal stakes

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Nobody should know how a company is performing better than its directors, so when they buy or sell shares, should investors seek to emulate their transactions in the hope of tapping into the bosses’ insights?

  • VW pays €3.3bn for 42% stake in Porsche

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Volkswagen and Porsche have approved a deal to merge the two German automotive giants by 2011.

  • Repossessions fall in Q2

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Large numbers of families continued to lose their homes in the second quarter, although repossessions were down 10% on the first three months of the year. The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) showed 11,400 homes were repossessed in the three months to June, down from 12,700 in the first quarter. Banks have come under increasing pressure from the government to seek alternatives to repossession

  • Mobile top-ups slow Paypoint

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Payment services group Paypoint said its trading performance since the end of March has been satisfactory.

  • VW pays €3.3bn for 42% stake in Porsche

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Volkswagen and Porsche have approved a deal to merge the two German automotive giants by 2011. Under the terms of the agreement, VW will pay €3.3bn to take an initial 42% stake in sports car maker Porsche. Martin Winterkorn, Volkswagens chief executive, who will run the combined group, said the deal marked “a new era” for both companies.

  • Man sells remaining MF Global stake

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Fund manager Man Group expects gross initial disposal proceeds of $112m, which it expects to receive early next week, from the disposal of its remaining stake in MF Global.

  • VW pays €3.3bn for 42% stake in Porsche

    Friday 14 Aug 2009

    Volkswagen and Porsche have approved a deal to merge the two German automotive giants by 2011.

  • John Paulson bets $2.2bn on Bank of America

    Thursday 13 Aug 2009

    US hedge fund manager John Paulson, renowned for making billions of dollars betting against sub-prime mortgages, has taken a 2% stake in Bank of America (BoA).

  • John Paulson bets $2.2bn on Bank of America

    Thursday 13 Aug 2009

    US hedge fund manager John Paulson, renowned for making billions of dollars betting against sub-prime mortgages, has taken a 2% stake in Bank of America (BoA).

  • Germany and France exit recession

    Thursday 13 Aug 2009

    Germany and France staged an unexpected return to economic growth in the second quarter of the year, raising hopes that other counties could follow suit.

  • Prudential ups divi after 'strong' performance

    Thursday 13 Aug 2009

    Insurer Prudential said its half-year results show continued “strong performance” in what still remains challenging market conditions. The group raised half year dividends by 5% to 6.29p per share in contrast to peers Aviva and Legal & General, which slashed dividends. IFRS operating profit before tax from continuing operations increased 6% to £688m, driven by

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