An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a mutual fund that is listed and traded on a stock exchange. Most ETFs are created with the aim of matching the performance of market indices, which are typically well known references for a market, such as the FTSE 100 Index.
Since they are listed on a stock exchange, investors buy and sell ETFs using a stock broker or market maker. You do not need to deal with the transfer agent of the investment management company in the way that you would typically need to when investing in a traditional mutual fund.
Search for an Exchange Traded Fund by entering the Exchange Traded Fund name. Tip: Try entering just part of the name to get more results, then refine as appropriate.
Name | Price | % |
DB ETC PHYSICAL GOLD ETC 27/08/60 | 154.38 | -27.4% |
Wisdomtree Metal Securities Limited Physical Swiss Gold | 160.75 | -23.8% |
Wisdomtree Metal Securities Limited Physical Silver | 1,866.58p | -17.8% |
Wisdomtree Multi Asset Issuer Public Limited Company Wisdomtree Natural Gas 3X Daily Short | 2,220.31p | -11.2% |
Leverage Shares Public Limited Company 3X Long ARM ETP | $56.91 | -11.1% |
To find out more about ETFs and to watch our ETFs video please click on the relevant links below.