Anpario (ANP)


Pharma and Biotech


FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 477.50
  • 52 Week Low: 232.50
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 20.45m
  • Volume: 85,105
  • Market Cap: £76.94m
  • Beta: 0.03

Latest Deals

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
13-Dec-24 Buy Karen Prior 380.00p 14,000 £53,200.00
13-Dec-24 Sell Karen Prior 380.10p 14,000 £53,214.00
13-Dec-24 Buy Karen Prior 380.10p 16,000 £60,816.00
13-Dec-24 Sell Karen Prior 380.00p 16,000 £60,800.00
13-Dec-24 Transfer To Karen Prior 290.00p 14,000 £40,600.00

Largest Deals (365 days)

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
13-Dec-24 Exercise of option Richard Edwards 290.00p 42,400 £122,960.00
13-Dec-24 Exercise of option Karen Prior 290.00p 42,400 £122,960.00
13-Dec-24 Buy Karen Prior 380.10p 16,000 £60,816.00
13-Dec-24 Sell Karen Prior 380.00p 16,000 £60,800.00
13-Dec-24 Sell Karen Prior 380.10p 14,000 £53,214.00

Director Shareholdings

Notifier Holding Value*
Richard Edwards 245,796 £924,808
Karen Prior 199,845 £751,917
Marc Wilson 21,462 £80,751
Matthew Robinson 8,600 £32,358
Tim Pollock 4,103 £15,438

Major Shareholders

Notifier** Holding Value*
JTC plc 3,400,000 £12,792,500
ISIS Equity Partners LLP 1,898,699 £7,143,855
Unicorn Asset Management 1,865,000 £7,017,062
Gresham House Asset Management Limited 1,399,000 £5,263,738
Allianz Global Investors Luxembourg S.A 1,100,000 £4,138,750
Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Mgt 1,015,000 £3,818,938
Artemis Investment Management 978,346 £3,681,027
Downing LLP 976,560 £3,674,307
Williams de Broe Limited 973,259 £3,661,887
BMO Global Asset Management 898,000 £3,378,725
Oryx International Growth Fund Limited 875,000 £3,292,188
AXA Framlington Investment Management 842,803 £3,171,046
BlackRock, Inc. 842,000 £3,168,025
BGF Investment Management Limited 811,000 £3,051,388
BGF 811,000 £3,051,388
Schroders plc 804,000 £3,025,050
Noble AIM VCT plc 787,826 £2,964,195
Lord Lee of Trafford 784,700 £2,952,434
Columbia Threadneedle Investments 766,000 £2,882,075
Miton Group plc 761,000 £2,863,262

* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.


Anpario Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 376.25p
Change Today -6.25p
% Change -1.63 %
52 Week High 477.50
52 Week Low 232.50
Volume 85,105
Shares Issued 20.45m
Market Cap £76.94m
Beta 0.03

Anpario Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
34.94% below the market average34.94% below the market average34.94% below the market average34.94% below the market average34.94% below the market average
53.19% above the sector average53.19% above the sector average53.19% above the sector average53.19% above the sector average53.19% above the sector average
Price Trend
92.32% above the market average92.32% above the market average92.32% above the market average92.32% above the market average92.32% above the market average
95.92% above the sector average95.92% above the sector average95.92% above the sector average95.92% above the sector average95.92% above the sector average
71.78% below the market average71.78% below the market average71.78% below the market average71.78% below the market average71.78% below the market average
14.29% below the sector average14.29% below the sector average14.29% below the sector average14.29% below the sector average14.29% below the sector average
94.01% below the market average94.01% below the market average94.01% below the market average94.01% below the market average94.01% below the market average
93.55% below the sector average93.55% below the sector average93.55% below the sector average93.55% below the sector average93.55% below the sector average

What The Brokers Say

Strong Buy 1
Buy 1
Neutral 0
Sell 0
Strong Sell 0
Total 2
Broker recommendations should not be taken as investment advice, and are provided by the authorised brokers listed on this page.

Anpario Dividends

  Latest Previous
  Final Interim
Ex-Div 10-Jul-25 14-Nov-24
Paid 25-Jul-25 29-Nov-24
Amount 8.00p 3.25p

Trades for 31-Mar-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
14:30 2,000 @ 375.77p
14:18 525 @ 375.75p
13:45 2,600 @ 378.94p
13:35 1,000 @ 375.60p
13:21 440 @ 375.70p

Anpario Key Personnel

CEO Richard Edwards

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