Acuity RM Group (ACRM)


IT Services


FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 4.45
  • 52 Week Low: 1.53
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 150.13m
  • Volume: 515,724
  • Market Cap: £2.29m

Deal with Barclays    Trade now with Barclays Stockbrokers

Latest Deals

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
14-Feb-25 Buy David Rajakovich 1.94p 2,500,000 £48,450.00
14-Feb-25 Buy Angus Forrest 1.95p 500,000 £9,750.00
05-Aug-24 Transfer To Angus Forrest 0.000p 503,400 £0.00
02-Aug-24 Buy Nicholas ‘Nick’ Clark 3.10p 780,000 £24,180.00
02-Aug-24 Sell Nicholas ‘Nick’ Clark 3.10p 780,000 £24,180.00

Largest Deals (365 days)

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
14-Feb-25 Buy David Rajakovich 1.94p 2,500,000 £48,450.00
17-Jun-24 Placing Angus Forrest 3.50p 714,285 £24,999.98
02-Aug-24 Sell Nicholas ‘Nick’ Clark 3.10p 780,000 £24,180.00
02-Aug-24 Buy Nicholas ‘Nick’ Clark 3.10p 780,000 £24,180.00
17-Jun-24 Placing Kerry Chambers 3.50p 571,428 £19,999.98

Director Shareholdings

Notifier Holding Value*
Nicholas ‘Nick’ Clark 8,936,000 £136,274
Angus Forrest 5,925,841 £90,369
David Rajakovich 2,500,000 £38,125
John Wakefield 944,377 £14,402

Major Shareholders

Notifier** Holding Value*
Richard Mayall 13,325,173 £203,209
John Robert BARKER 6,446,947 £98,316
J&O Simmons 6,075,000 £92,644
Jonathan Mark Swann 4,920,500 £75,038
The SIPP of NICHOLAS CLARK 21,500 £328
BrightGrow SSAS 21,500 £328
Jarvis Nominees 16,800 £256
Stephen Wicks 11,779 £180
Highlands Village Limited 8,688 £132
Neil Scott 7,000 £107
Neil Scott 7,000 £107
Roger Bown 6,300 £96
Neil Scott 5,500 £84
Spreadex Ltd 2,000 £30
M Wheeler 1,791 £27
Howard Cramer 1,710 £26
Mr W Weston 1,088 £17
Brewin Dolphin Limited 612 £9
Barclays Stockbrokers Limited 399 £6

* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.


Acuity RM Group Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 1.53p
Change Today -0.050p
% Change -3.17 %
52 Week High 4.45
52 Week Low 1.53
Volume 515,724
Shares Issued 150.13m
Market Cap £2.29m

Acuity RM Group Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
49.26% above the market average49.26% above the market average49.26% above the market average49.26% above the market average49.26% above the market average
62.50% above the sector average62.50% above the sector average62.50% above the sector average62.50% above the sector average62.50% above the sector average
Price Trend
87.48% below the market average87.48% below the market average87.48% below the market average87.48% below the market average87.48% below the market average
83.72% below the sector average83.72% below the sector average83.72% below the sector average83.72% below the sector average83.72% below the sector average
Income Not Available
70.84% above the market average70.84% above the market average70.84% above the market average70.84% above the market average70.84% above the market average
75.00% above the sector average75.00% above the sector average75.00% above the sector average75.00% above the sector average75.00% above the sector average

Acuity RM Group Dividends

No dividends found

Trades for 31-Mar-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
10:46 500,000 @ 1.58p
10:13 15,724 @ 1.59p

Acuity RM Group Key Personnel

Finance Director Katherine Buchan ACA
CEO David Rajakovich

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