No deals were found in the last 365 days.
No notifications of holding were found in the last 365 days.
Currency | UK Pounds |
Share Price | 0.000p |
Closing Price Change | 0.000p |
% Change | 0.00 % |
52 Week High | 0.000p |
52 Week Low | 0.000p |
Volume | 0 |
Shares Issued | 6,111m |
Value |
Price Trend |
Income |
Growth |
Strong Buy | 1 |
Buy | 0 |
Neutral | 2 |
Sell | 0 |
Strong Sell | 0 |
Total | 3 |
Latest | Previous | |
Final | Final | |
Ex-Div | 03-Jul-24 | 30-Jun-23 |
Paid | 23-Aug-24 | 25-Aug-23 |
Amount | 0.75 | 2.90 |
Time | Volume / Share Price |
0 @ 0.000p |
Chair | Li Kai |
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