Kromek Group (KMK)


Health Care


FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 7.85
  • 52 Week Low: 4.45
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 641.55m
  • Volume: 396,389
  • Market Cap: £34.64m
  • RiskGrade: 527

Latest Deals

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
03-Apr-24 Buy Rakesh Sharma 5.59p 587,602 £32,870.45
03-Apr-24 Sell Rakesh Sharma 5.10p 587,602 £29,955.95

Largest Deals (365 days)

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
03-Apr-24 Buy Rakesh Sharma 5.59p 587,602 £32,870.45
03-Apr-24 Sell Rakesh Sharma 5.10p 587,602 £29,955.95

Director Shareholdings

Notifier Holding Value*
Arnab Basu 2,988,750 £161,392
Rakesh Sharma 1,207,539 £65,207
Lawrence Henry Neil Kinet 350,000 £18,900
Chris Wilks 177,941 £9,609
Jerel Heath Whittingham 114,890 £6,204
Paul Farquhar 66,500 £3,591

Major Shareholders

Notifier** Holding Value*
Polymer Holdings 86,686,849 £4,681,090
Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management 69,323,505 £3,743,469
Canaccord Genuity Group INC 55,736,590 £3,009,776
Herald Investment Management Limited 29,104,648 £1,571,651
David & Monique Newlands 28,877,500 £1,559,385
Halifax Share Dealing 28,033,882 £1,513,830
AJ Bell Securities 22,491,965 £1,214,566
Barclays Wealth 18,292,847 £987,814
Premier Miton Group PLC 17,099,908 £923,395
Cazenove Capital 13,725,491 £741,176
Interactive Investor Shareholding 8,985,402 £485,212
National Farmers Union 8,228,569 £444,343
Forest Nominees Limited 3,206,920 £173,174

* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: RiskGrade figures are provided by RiskMetrics.


Kromek Group Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 5.40p
Change Today 0.000p
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High 7.85
52 Week Low 4.45
Volume 396,389
Shares Issued 641.55m
Market Cap £34.64m
RiskGrade 527

Kromek Group Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
30.69% above the market average30.69% above the market average30.69% above the market average30.69% above the market average30.69% above the market average
15.15% above the sector average15.15% above the sector average15.15% above the sector average15.15% above the sector average15.15% above the sector average
Price Trend
24.29% below the market average24.29% below the market average24.29% below the market average24.29% below the market average24.29% below the market average
2.70% above the sector average2.70% above the sector average2.70% above the sector average2.70% above the sector average2.70% above the sector average
Income Not Available
30.23% above the market average30.23% above the market average30.23% above the market average30.23% above the market average30.23% above the market average
23.53% above the sector average23.53% above the sector average23.53% above the sector average23.53% above the sector average23.53% above the sector average

Kromek Group Dividends

No dividends found

Trades for 31-Mar-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
13:32 15,882 @ 5.32p
13:02 2,500 @ 5.43p
11:43 7,000 @ 5.31p
11:22 2,500 @ 5.30p
10:55 3,367 @ 5.44p

Kromek Group Key Personnel

CEO Arnab Basu

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