Beowulf Mining (BEM)




FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 46.00p
  • 52 Week Low: 12.50p
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 38.84m
  • Volume: 24,426
  • Market Cap: £8.16m
  • RiskGrade: 330

Beowulf investee Vardar adds two new Kosovo licences

By Josh White

Date: Friday 16 Dec 2022

LONDON (ShareCast) - (Sharecast News) - Minerals explorer and developer Beowulf Mining updated the market on two licences added to the Vardar Minerals exploration portfolio, both located along the "highly prospective" Vardar lead-zinc-silver trend in northern Kosovo.
The AIM-traded firm owns 59.5% of Vardar Minerals.

It said the licences covered 115 square kilometres, and extended the coverage of Vardar's Mitrovica and Shala exploration projects, both of which displayed "abundant" evidence of active epithermal systems with associated lead-zinc-silver and gold-silver-copper mineralisation;

The new licences also included prospective carbonate host rocks along with oligocene magmatic rocks, which provide the heat and metal source in the surrounding lead-zinc ore districts.

Alteration and gossan outcrops had also been noted in early reconnaissance visits, which Beowulf said further demonstrated the potential for lead-zinc-silver mineralisation in both of the licences.

"Since the end of summer, we have had a number of positive announcements regarding the successes being achieved by the Vardar team in Kosovo," said chief executive officer Kurt Budge.

"Most recently, the announcement of the Red Lead target, displaying all the key geological markers of the neighbouring Stan Terg deposit and mine, and now a priority target for drilling in spring 2023."

Budge said the district being explored in northern Kosovo was "highly prospective", with "abundant evidence" of widespread lead-zinc-silver mineralisation, adding that the addition of the new licences to Vardar's portfolio was a further "exciting" development.

"The Vardar team continues to use state-of-the-art exploration methodologies in the process of identifying new opportunities and is maintaining a competitive first-mover advantage in the region.

"Vardar's expanded licence position has established a dominant land holding in the highly prospective areas surrounding the Stan Terg lead-zinc-silver mine."

At the close on Friday, shares in Beowulf Mining were flat at 4.25p.

Reporting by Josh White for

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Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: RiskGrade figures are provided by RiskMetrics.


Beowulf Mining Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 21.00p
Change Today 0.000p
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High 46.00p
52 Week Low 12.50p
Volume 24,426
Shares Issued 38.84m
Market Cap £8.16m
RiskGrade 330

Beowulf Mining Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
52.52% above the market average52.52% above the market average52.52% above the market average52.52% above the market average52.52% above the market average
12.90% above the sector average12.90% above the sector average12.90% above the sector average12.90% above the sector average12.90% above the sector average
Price Trend
77.42% below the market average77.42% below the market average77.42% below the market average77.42% below the market average77.42% below the market average
51.88% below the sector average51.88% below the sector average51.88% below the sector average51.88% below the sector average51.88% below the sector average
Income Not Available
Growth Not Available

Beowulf Mining Dividends

No dividends found

Trades for 12-Mar-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
16:22 12,090 @ 20.00p
12:42 9,708 @ 20.00p
10:22 1,800 @ 20.00p
09:29 45 @ 19.00p
09:29 783 @ 23.00p

Beowulf Mining Key Personnel

CEO Ed Bowie

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