JP Morgan Asia I Acc Instl NAV

IMA Sector:

Asia Pacific Excluding Japan



Fund Type:


  • PEP:
  • ISA:
  • CAT Std:
  • Date: 08-Jun-2017
  • Change: 0.018p
  • Change %: n/a
  • Currency: GBP
  • YTD change: 427.24p
  • YTD %: n/a

Fund Objective

To provide long-term capital growth.

View on Past Performance

Asian equities were devastated in the third quarter. The migration from skyrocketing inflation to global deceleration has been brutal for corporate profits and we now expect negative earnings growth in 2008 and no earnings growth in 2009.Markets look cheap, but deeper analysis suggests they could fall materially if the economic environment deteriorates further. There is no reason to assume that the first world is not already in recession. Even more worryingly, the powerhouse BRICs economies are now decelerating.Deleveraging is compounding the situation. The demise of investment banks and other financial entities, and the forced balance sheet reduction of others, has led to concerted selling. Equities, being most liquid, suffered the most at the outset. Illiquid assets and property are feeling the pain now.In the fund, our overweight in China equities and reluctance to be totally defensive in regional stock selection have hurt performance. However, Korean stock selection has been very good and the fund has avoided small caps and concept stocks, which have been performed very badly.

Future Expectations

We envisage the markets trading down again, but probably not making new lows. We expect the Chinese government to unveil more fiscal and monetary responses to a slowing economy, especially as mainland inflation seems under control.But the global economy will undoubtedly slow, and so the next two years could present difficult environments for profits and, therefore, equities. The challenge will be to locate and invest in the handful of companies which combine solid balance sheets with exciting earnings prospects.

Fund Details

Latest Price 427.24p IMA Sector Asia Pacific Excluding Japan
Currency British Pound Launch Date 01/10/1978
Fund Size n/a Fund Manager Edward Pulling
ISIN GB0031835555 Dividend 0.00p

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.


Price Info

Date 08-Jun-2017
NAV 427.24p
Currency GBP
Change 0.018p
% n/a
YTD change 427.24p
YTD % n/a

Fund Facts

Fund Inception 01/10/1978
Fund Manager Edward Pulling
TER 0.70 (31-Jan-2013)

Fund Reports

Minimum Investment
Initial £20000000
Additional £100,000
Savings £100
Initial 1.00%
Annual Mang't 0.70%
Exit n/a


Name %
Standard deviation 0.02
Sharpe ratio 0.08

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