The fund’s investment objective is to provide a combination of income and capital mainly through investment in collective investment schemes as well as directly held transferable securities, cash, deposits and money market instruments. The fund may invest to a limited extent in derivatives, warrants and alternatives including commodities, private equity and property through investment in collective investment schemes and transferable securities.
The Schroder Multi-Manager Cautious Managed portfolio provides a one step solution for investors looking for a flexible product that accesses a broad range of assets and financial markets. We seek to generate attractive returns over the long term by blending a diversified selection of around 15 market-leading funds from asset managers around the world. This 'fund of fund' approach allows us to tap into a blend of the best investment ideas across the industry.The portfolio is a true multi-asset product. Our strategic approach enables us to respond to varying opportunities and threats presented by differing market environments. As such, as well as investing in traditional markets such as equities, bonds and cash, we also seek to add value through opportunities in alternative assets such as commodities, hedge funds, derivatives, private equity and property - areas which are often difficult for a private investor to access.This diversified approach can lower investment risk, making the portfolio ideal for a relatively cautious investor looking for capital growth or income - or a combination of both - without taking on high levels of risk.