Royal London FTSE 350 Tracker Z Inc

IMA Sector:

UK All Companies



Fund Type:

Unit Trust

  • PEP:
  • ISA:
  • CAT Std:
  • Date: 19-Sep-2024
  • Change: 2.70p
  • Change %: 1.94%
  • Currency: GBP
  • YTD change: 11.10p
  • YTD %: 8.47%

Fund Objective

The trust continues to achieve the total return of the FTSE® 350 index by investing primarily in the shares that make up the FTSE® 350 index.

Fund Details

Latest Price 1,001,757.03p IMA Sector UK All Companies
Currency British Pound Launch Date 20/07/2007
Fund Size n/a Fund Manager
ISIN GB00B523R000 Dividend 3.01p

Price Info

Date 19-Sep-2024
NAV 1,001,757.03p
Currency GBP
Change 2.70p
% 1.94%
YTD change 11.10p
YTD % 8.47%

Fund Facts

Fund Inception 20/07/2007
Fund Manager n/a
Minimum Investment
Initial n/a
Additional n/a
Savings n/a
Initial 0.50%
Annual Mang't 0.10%
Exit n/a


Name %
No risk data available.

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