Total Produce (T7O)

  • 52 Week High: NULL
  • 52 Week Low:  0.00
  • Currency: Euro
  • Shares Issued: 388.56m
  • Market Cap:  578.18m

Total Produce Overview

Total Produce is Europe's largest fresh fruit and vegetable provider, with a continent-wide infrastructure of 90 depots operating in 13 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. It is headquartered in Dublin.


Index: ISEQ 20ISEQ Overall Index

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are end of day values only.


Total Produce Market Data

Currency Euro
% Change 0.54 %
52 Week High NULL
52 Week Low  0.00
Shares Issued 388.56m
Market Cap  578.18m

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