Toyota Motor Corp. (TYT)


Automobiles and related providers

Â¥ 2,594.50
  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: Â¥2,594.5
  • 52 Week Low: Â¥2,340.0
  • Currency: Japanese Yen
  • Shares Issued: 13,503m
  • Volume: 162
  • Market Cap: Â¥35,033,179m

TYT Market Data

Currency Japanese Yen
Share Price ¥ 2,594.50
Change Today ¥ 62.50
% Change 2.47 %
52 Week High ¥2,594.5
52 Week Low ¥2,340.0
Volume 162
Shares Issued 13,503m
Market Cap ¥35,033,179m

TYT Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
28.30% above the market average28.30% above the market average28.30% above the market average28.30% above the market average28.30% above the market average
100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average
Price Trend
14.62% above the market average14.62% above the market average14.62% above the market average14.62% above the market average14.62% above the market average
50.00% above the sector average50.00% above the sector average50.00% above the sector average50.00% above the sector average50.00% above the sector average
44.13% above the market average44.13% above the market average44.13% above the market average44.13% above the market average44.13% above the market average
100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average
27.31% above the market average27.31% above the market average27.31% above the market average27.31% above the market average27.31% above the market average
100.00% above the sector average100.00% above the sector average100.00% above the sector average100.00% above the sector average100.00% above the sector average

What The Brokers Say

Strong Buy 4
Buy 9
Neutral 6
Sell 1
Strong Sell 0
Total 20
Broker recommendations should not be taken as investment advice, and are provided by the authorised brokers listed on this page.

TYT Dividends

  Latest Previous
  Final Interim
Ex-Div n/a 29-Sep-23
Paid 24-May-24 22-Nov-23
Amount 45.00 30.00

Trades for 25-Oct-2024

Time Volume / Share Price
05:34 162 @ ¥2,594.50

TYT Key Personnel

Chair Takeshi Uchiyamada
CEO James Kuffner

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