IT Hardware
Period | Price | Change | Percent Change |
1 week | $1,018.00 | +$27.00 | +2.65% |
1 month | $990.00 | +$55.00 | +5.56% |
3 months | $916.00 | +$129.00 | +14.08% |
6 months | $1,227.00 | $-182.00 | -14.83% |
1 year | $1,475.00 | $-430.00 | -29.15% |
Year Ending | Revenue ($m) | Pre-tax ($m) | EPS | P/E | PEG | EPS Grth. | Div | Yield |
31-Dec-10 | 134,076.41 | 16,759.44 | 9,190.00¢ | n/a | n/a | n/a | 893.34¢ | 0.0% |
31-Dec-11 | 154,048.89 | 16,050.71 | 8,331.00¢ | n/a | n/a | -9% | 476.89¢ | 0.0% |
31-Dec-12 | 187,754.28 | 27,929.25 | 14,380.00¢ | n/a | n/a | +73% | 683.18¢ | 0.0% |
a. Based on UK GAAP presentation of accounts - includes discontinued activities
Notice on Change of Chief Executive Officer | 26-Mar-2025 | 07:00 | RNS |
Appointment of New Chief Executive Officer | 19-Mar-2025 | 08:16 | RNS |
Results of the 56th Annual General Meeting | 19-Mar-2025 | 08:11 | RNS |
Directors dealings: Nanoco chairman adds to stake | 14-Oct-2016 | ShareCast |
Revealed - world's skinniest phone | 14-Feb-2007 | Guardian |
Korean company wins contract to make cheaper 3G ... | 07-Feb-2007 | Guardian |
Hyundai chief appeals after jail sentence | 06-Feb-2007 | Times |
No deals were found in the last 28 days.
Currency | US Dollars |
Price | $ 1,045.00 |
Change Today | $ 13.00 |
% Change | 1.26 % |
52 Week High | $1,053.00 |
52 Week Low | $1,041.00 |
Volume | 12,479 |
Shares Issued | 319.84m |
Market Cap | $334,233m |
RiskGrade | 160 |
No dividends found |
Time | Volume / Share Price |
16:35 | 100 @ $1,045.00 |
16:35 | 25 @ $1,045.00 |
16:35 | 4,633 @ $1,045.00 |
16:35 | 1 @ $1,045.00 |
16:35 | 8 @ $1,045.00 |
CEO | Doh-Seok Choi |
CEO | Yoon- Woo Lee |
CEO | Young Hyun Jun |
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