Smurfit Kappa Group (SK3)

  • 52 Week High: NULL
  • 52 Week Low:  0.00
  • Currency: Euro
  • Shares Issued: 260.35m
  • Market Cap:  10,810m

SK3 Overview

Smurfit Kappa manufactures paper-based packaging. It is focused on Europe and Latin America. It has 42 mills, 261 converting plants, 43 reclamation facilities and 27 other production facilities.

3 Month Chart (27-12-2024)

3 Month Chart

1 Year Chart

1 Year Chart


Latest F'cast
Div Yield 0.0%
Div Cover 1.9
Op Mrgn 11.1%
ROCE 13.8%
Latest F'cast
P/E n/a
PEG n/a
Pr/Revenue n/a
Pr/Book n/a
Latest F'cast
Revenue -12.0%
PBT -30.4%
EPS -19.7%
DPS 9.1%

SK3 Fundamentals

Year Ending Revenue ( m) Pre-tax ( m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
31-Dec-19 9,048.00 677.00 201.60¢ 12.5 n/a -31% 108.80¢ 4.3%
31-Dec-20 8,530.00 748.00 227.90¢ n/a n/a +13% 115.30¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-21 10,107.00 913.00 263.90¢ n/a n/a +16% 125.40¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-22 12,815.00 1,516.00 365.30¢ n/a n/a +38% 139.20¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-23 11,272.00 1,055.00 293.50¢ n/a n/a -20% 151.90¢ 0.0%

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are end of day values only.

Note 2: Forecast figures based on normalised accounts.


SK3 Market Data

Currency Euro
% Change 2.62 %
52 Week High NULL
52 Week Low  0.00
Shares Issued 260.35m
Market Cap  10,810m

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