Investment Firms
Quarter-end Portfolio Value Update | 08-Oct-2024 | 16:46 | RNS |
Unaudited results for the 6 months to 30 June 2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 15:31 | RNS |
Result of AGM | 01-Aug-2024 | 15:11 | RNS |
Notice of AGM | 09-Jul-2024 | 07:00 | RNS |
Quarter-end Portfolio Value Update | 05-Jul-2024 | 09:56 | RNS |
Final Results | 27-Jun-2024 | 07:00 | RNS |
Quarter-end portfolio value update | 11-Apr-2024 | 07:00 | RNS |
Quarter-end Portfolio Value Update | 09-Jan-2024 | 13:56 | RNS |
Update on Portfolio Value | 11-Oct-2023 | 16:10 | RNS |
Half-year Report | 28-Sep-2023 | 11:28 | RNS |
Quarter End Update | 04-Aug-2023 | 12:27 | RNS |
Result of AGM | 27-Jul-2023 | 15:54 | RNS |
Notice of AGM | 04-Jul-2023 | 07:00 | RNS |
Final Results | 20-Jun-2023 | 12:27 | RNS |
Quarter-end NPV Update | 13-Apr-2023 | 09:04 | RNS |
Currency | UK Pounds |
Share Price | 0.15p |
Change Today | 0.000p |
% Change | 0.00 % |
52 Week High | 0.28 |
52 Week Low | 0.14 |
Volume | 0 |
Shares Issued | 539.63m |
Market Cap | £0.81m |
Beta | 0.01 |
RiskGrade | 670 |
Value |
Price Trend |
Income |
Growth |
No dividends found |
Time | Volume / Share Price |
0 @ 0.000p |
Finance Director | Raju Samtani |
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