Oxford Metrics (OMG)


IT Services


FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 115.00
  • 52 Week Low: 48.50
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 125.13m
  • Volume: 238,092
  • Market Cap: £67.32m
  • RiskGrade: 117

Oxford Metrics Overview

Ever since 1984, Oxford Metrics has been enabling the interface between the real world and its virtual twin. It was in that year we introduced our first motion capture system and we’ve been providing a bridge between the physical and digital world ever since. We have a track record of creating value by incubating, growing and then augmenting through acquisition, unique technology businesses. Today we have around 10,000 active customers in 70+ countries including some of the biggest names in healthcare, research, engineering and entertainment.

1 Day Chart

1 Day Chart

6 Month Chart

6 Month Chart


Latest F'cast
Div Yield 6.0% 0.0%
Div Cover 0.9 0.7
Op Mrgn 1.7% 5.6%
ROCE 1.1%  
Latest F'cast
P/E 18.2 18.8
PEG n/a n/a
Pr/Revenue 1.6 1.3
Pr/Book 0.9  
Latest F'cast
Revenue -6.3% 12.4%
PBT -55.5% -6.5%
EPS -44.0% -8.3%
DPS 18.2% 12.0%

Oxford Metrics Fundamentals

Year Ending Revenue (£m) Pre-tax (£m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
30-Sep-20 30.30 1.58 1.28p 64.5 n/a -62% 1.80p 2.2%
30-Sep-21 27.57 3.63 2.73p 39.4 0.3 +113% 2.00p 1.9%
30-Sep-22 28.82 2.73 2.55p 32.2 n/a -7% 2.50p 3.0%
30-Sep-23 44.24 6.25 5.29p 17.1 0.2 +108% 2.75p 3.0%
30-Sep-24 41.46 2.78 2.96p 20.3 n/a -44% 3.25p 5.4%

a. Based on UK GAAP presentation of accounts - includes discontinued activities

Oxford Metrics Forecasts

Year Ending Revenue (£m) Pre-tax (£m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
30-Sep-25 46.60 2.60 2.71p 19.8 n/a -8% 3.64p 0.0%
30-Sep-26 49.75 3.80 3.43p 15.7 0.6 +26% 4.01p 0.0%

Copyright © 2025 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Oxford Metrics Company Announcements

Transaction in Own Shares 31-Mar-2025 07:00 RNS
Transaction in Own Shares 27-Mar-2025 07:00 RNS
Transaction in Own Shares 25-Mar-2025 07:00 RNS

Latest Oxford Metrics Director Deals

No deals were found in the last 28 days.

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: RiskGrade figures are provided by RiskMetrics.

Note 3: Above ratios are on a 'per annum' basis, adjusted for corporate actions and based on the fundamentals of the primary listed security.

Note 4: Under IFRS, all figures are based on 'Continuing' operations unless otherwise stated.

Note 5: In the case of dual listed securities, broker recommendations and forecasts relate to the primary listing.

Note 6: Forecast figures based on normalised accounts.


Oxford Metrics Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 53.80p
Change Today -0.30p
% Change -0.55 %
52 Week High 115.00
52 Week Low 48.50
Volume 238,092
Shares Issued 125.13m
Market Cap £67.32m
RiskGrade 117

Oxford Metrics Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
48.41% above the market average48.41% above the market average48.41% above the market average48.41% above the market average48.41% above the market average
97.50% above the sector average97.50% above the sector average97.50% above the sector average97.50% above the sector average97.50% above the sector average
Price Trend
54.77% below the market average54.77% below the market average54.77% below the market average54.77% below the market average54.77% below the market average
48.84% below the sector average48.84% below the sector average48.84% below the sector average48.84% below the sector average48.84% below the sector average
79.65% above the market average79.65% above the market average79.65% above the market average79.65% above the market average79.65% above the market average
92.59% above the sector average92.59% above the sector average92.59% above the sector average92.59% above the sector average92.59% above the sector average
6.54% below the market average6.54% below the market average6.54% below the market average6.54% below the market average6.54% below the market average
30% below the sector average30% below the sector average30% below the sector average30% below the sector average30% below the sector average

What The Brokers Say

Strong Buy 1
Buy 0
Neutral 0
Sell 0
Strong Sell 0
Total 1
Broker recommendations should not be taken as investment advice, and are provided by the authorised brokers listed on this page.

Oxford Metrics Dividends

  Latest Previous
  Final Final
Ex-Div 12-Dec-24 14-Dec-23
Paid 05-Mar-25 14-Feb-24
Amount 3.25p 2.75p

Trades for 31-Mar-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
16:28 500 @ 53.25p
16:21 1,847 @ 53.85p
16:09 3,151 @ 53.84p
15:23 1,500 @ 53.25p
15:15 9,803 @ 53.20p

Oxford Metrics Key Personnel

CEO Imogen Moorhouse
CFO Zoe Fox

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