The Revel Collective (TRC)


Tourism and Leisure Services


FTSE AIM All-Share

  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 2.72
  • 52 Week Low: 0.17
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 1,501.93m
  • Volume: 674,992
  • Market Cap: £2.63m
  • RiskGrade: 57

Latest Deals

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
05-Dec-24 Sell Danielle Davies 0.50p 665,224 £3,326.12
05-Dec-24 Transfer From Danielle Davies 0.000p 1,025,953 £0.00
05-Dec-24 Sell Rob Pitcher 0.50p 1,293,498 £6,467.49
05-Dec-24 Transfer From Rob Pitcher 0.000p 1,994,908 £0.00

Largest Deals (365 days)

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
05-Dec-24 Sell Rob Pitcher 0.50p 1,293,498 £6,467.49
05-Dec-24 Sell Danielle Davies 0.50p 665,224 £3,326.12
05-Dec-24 Transfer From Rob Pitcher 0.000p 1,994,908 £0.00
05-Dec-24 Transfer From Danielle Davies 0.000p 1,025,953 £0.00

Director Shareholdings

Notifier Holding Value*
Rob Pitcher 10,201,410 £17,852
Danielle Davies 1,916,722 £3,354
William Tuffy 100,000 £175
Jemima Bird 7,500 £13

Major Shareholders

Notifier** Holding Value*
Robus Capital Management Limited 335,925,000 £587,869
Eldose Babu 273,218,750 £478,133
Cristian Cibrario 82,799,238 £144,899
Mark Ward 23,018,676 £40,283
ADRIAN JOHN WILLIAMS 16,080,392 £28,141
Mark Ward 12,557,944 £21,976
River & Mercantile Asset Management LLP 11,311,522 £19,795
Royal London Asset Management Limited 11,310,550 £19,794
Hargreaves Lansdown 9,938,794 £17,393
IG Markets 8,141,656 £14,248
Selling Shareholder 4,999,999 £8,750
Caspian Bidco Limited 4,999,999 £8,750
GLG Partners 4,612,533 £8,072
Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited 4,500,000 £7,875
Bank of Singapore (PB 4,487,812 £7,854
Ausdrill International Pty Ltd 4,000,000 £7,000
CIBRA LTD 3,930,000 £6,878
Pine River Capital Management (UK) Limited 3,800,000 £6,650
Bank of America Corporation 2,522,684 £4,415
AXA Framlington Investment Managers 2,519,877 £4,410
Invesco Asset Management Limited 2,499,999 £4,375
AXA Investment Managers S.A. 2,498,819 £4,373
Schroder Investment Management Limited (SIM 2,401,919 £4,203
Old Mutual Global Investors(UK) Ltd 2,284,755 £3,998
Cigogne Management 2,211,758 £3,871
Barclays Plc 2,168,532 £3,795
Sanford DeLand Asset Management 2,085,000 £3,649
Aberforth Partners LLP 1,904,776 £3,333
Leste Capital Management 1,705,047 £2,984
Sand Grove Capital Management LLP 1,539,903 £2,695

* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: RiskGrade figures are provided by RiskMetrics.


TRC Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 0.18p
Change Today 0.000p
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High 2.72
52 Week Low 0.17
Volume 674,992
Shares Issued 1,501.93m
Market Cap £2.63m
RiskGrade 57

TRC Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
30.80% above the market average30.80% above the market average30.80% above the market average30.80% above the market average30.80% above the market average
41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average
Price Trend
99.39% below the market average99.39% below the market average99.39% below the market average99.39% below the market average99.39% below the market average
100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average100% below the sector average
Income Not Available
5.21% below the market average5.21% below the market average5.21% below the market average5.21% below the market average5.21% below the market average
70.21% below the sector average70.21% below the sector average70.21% below the sector average70.21% below the sector average70.21% below the sector average

TRC Dividends

  Latest Previous
  Final Interim
Ex-Div 08-Nov-18 22-Mar-18
Paid 07-Dec-18 12-Apr-18
Amount 3.30p 1.65p

Trades for 10-Feb-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
16:10 2,406 @ 0.17p
16:01 1,969 @ 0.17p
13:49 59,217 @ 0.17p
12:49 484 @ 0.17p
09:44 20,783 @ 0.17p

TRC Key Personnel

CEO Rob Pitcher
CFO Danielle Davies

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