Boku, Inc (DI) Reg S Cat 3/144A (BOKU)





  • Change Today:
  • 52 Week High: 193.00
  • 52 Week Low: 151.00
  • Currency: UK Pounds
  • Shares Issued: 297.34m
  • Volume: 530,484
  • Market Cap: £478.72m
  • RiskGrade: 158

BOKU Overview

Boku is the leading independent direct carrier billing company in the world. Boku's technology enables mobile phone users, of which there are more than five billion worldwide, to buy goods and services and charge them to their mobile phone bill or pre-pay balance. Boku's platform connects its customers, including Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Spotify and Sony, with billing, identity and sales systems of mobile network operators. The Group's technology makes a consumer's mobile phone number a convenient and secure payment method, providing an alternative to credit and debit cards. By using Boku, merchants take people with mobile phones and make them paying users.

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Latest F'cast
Div Yield 0.0% 0.0%
Div Cover n/a n/a
Op Mrgn 6.2% 24.5%
ROCE 3.3%  
Latest F'cast
P/E 207.9 25.8
PEG n/a 1.5
Pr/Revenue 6.2 4.5
Pr/Book 4.5  
Latest F'cast
Revenue 20.0% -6.8%
PBT -45.8% 266.2%
EPS -66.7% 749.7%
DPS n/a n/a

BOKU Fundamentals

Year Ending Revenue ($m) Pre-tax ($m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
31-Dec-20 56.40 (17.32) (6.90)¢ n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0%
31-Dec-21 62.08 9.89 4.01¢ 53.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.0%
31-Dec-22 63.76 4.06 1.44¢ 125.0 n/a -64% n/a 0.0%
31-Dec-23 82.72 11.41 3.00¢ 57.4 0.5 +108% n/a 0.0%
31-Dec-24 99.27 6.19 1.00¢ 234.9 n/a -67% n/a 0.0%

a. Based on UK GAAP presentation of accounts - includes discontinued activities

BOKU Forecasts

Year Ending Revenue (£m) Pre-tax (£m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
31-Dec-25 119.45 29.24 6.57p 24.5 0.0 +750% n/a 0.0%
31-Dec-26 142.98 37.10 8.16p 19.7 0.8 +24% n/a 0.0%

Copyright © 2025 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Latest BOKU Director Deals

Traded Action Notifier PriceAmountValue
19-Mar-25 Sell Jonathan Peter Prideaux 166.00p 349,205 £579,680.29
18-Mar-25 Sell Jonathan Peter Prideaux 166.00p 343,700 £570,541.99
18-Mar-25 Sell Stuart Paul Neal 166.00p 60,300 £100,098.00

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: RiskGrade figures are provided by RiskMetrics.

Note 3: Above ratios are on a 'per annum' basis, adjusted for corporate actions and based on the fundamentals of the primary listed security.

Note 4: Under IFRS, all figures are based on 'Continuing' operations unless otherwise stated.

Note 5: In the case of dual listed securities, broker recommendations and forecasts relate to the primary listing.

Note 6: Forecast figures based on normalised accounts.


BOKU Market Data

Currency UK Pounds
Share Price 161.00p
Change Today -4.50p
% Change -2.72 %
52 Week High 193.00
52 Week Low 151.00
Volume 530,484
Shares Issued 297.34m
Market Cap £478.72m
RiskGrade 158

BOKU Star Ratings

Compare performance with the sector and the market.
more star ratings
Key: vs Market vs Sector
86.11% below the market average86.11% below the market average86.11% below the market average86.11% below the market average86.11% below the market average
77.53% below the sector average77.53% below the sector average77.53% below the sector average77.53% below the sector average77.53% below the sector average
Price Trend
31.97% above the market average31.97% above the market average31.97% above the market average31.97% above the market average31.97% above the market average
41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average41.67% above the sector average
Income Not Available
2.92% above the market average2.92% above the market average2.92% above the market average2.92% above the market average2.92% above the market average
17.78% above the sector average17.78% above the sector average17.78% above the sector average17.78% above the sector average17.78% above the sector average

What The Brokers Say

Strong Buy 4
Buy 1
Neutral 0
Sell 0
Strong Sell 0
Total 5
Broker recommendations should not be taken as investment advice, and are provided by the authorised brokers listed on this page.

BOKU Dividends

No dividends found

Trades for 31-Mar-2025

Time Volume / Share Price
15:49 24,793 @ 160.00p
16:39 2,413 @ 161.00p
15:22 42,250 @ 158.20p
14:10 100,000 @ 162.00p
14:10 100,000 @ 162.00p

BOKU Key Personnel

CEO Stuart Paul Neal
CFO Rob Whittick

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