Cardno Limited (CDD)


ASX 200

  • 52 Week High: NULL
  • 52 Week Low: $0.14
  • Currency: Australian Dollars
  • Shares Issued: 39.06m

Cardno Limited Overview

Cardno provides diverse of engineering and professional services including planning, designing and delivering of physical and social infrastructure to create better communities across the globe. Its services include geotechnical engineering, urban development, advanced water engineering, transport planning, and many others. Cardno operates in Australia, Asia Pacific, North America, UK and Africa. It is headquartered in Brisbane, Australia.

3 Month Chart

3 Month Chart

1 Year Chart

1 Year Chart


Latest F'cast
Div Yield 752.6%
Div Cover 1.7
Op Mrgn 11.5%
ROCE 43.6%
Latest F'cast
P/E 0.1
PEG 0.0
Pr/Revenue 0.0
Pr/Book 0.0
Latest F'cast
Revenue 16.2%
PBT 24.6%
EPS 12.0%
DPS 8.1%

Cardno Limited Fundamentals

Year Ending Revenue ($m) Pre-tax ($m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
30-Jun-08 396.18 38.69 225.85¢ n/a n/a +13% 145.18¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-09 514.37 42.09 242.27¢ n/a n/a +7% 154.80¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-10 475.80 43.58 242.49¢ n/a n/a 0% 160.33¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-11 829.25 84.30 311.21¢ n/a n/a +28% 187.98¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-12 963.95 105.04 348.41¢ n/a n/a +12% 203.19¢ 0.0%

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are end of day values only.

Note 2: Forecast figures based on normalised accounts.


Cardno Limited Market Data

Currency Australian Dollars
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High NULL
52 Week Low $0.14
Shares Issued 39.06m

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