Abacus Group (ABG)


ASX 200

  • 52 Week High: NULL
  • 52 Week Low: $1.04
  • Currency: Australian Dollars
  • Shares Issued: 579.79m

Abacus Group Overview

Abacus Property Group is an Australia-based company specialising in investing and managing of property based assets to enhance income and capital growth. The company holds a diversified investment portfolio of retail, commercial and industrial properties. Its principal activities are carried out through the following business divisions: Property, Funds Management, Property Finance and Joint Ventures & Developments.

3 Month Chart

3 Month Chart

1 Year Chart

1 Year Chart


Latest F'cast
Div Yield 0.0%
Div Cover n/a
Op Mrgn n/a
ROCE n/a
Latest F'cast
P/E n/a
PEG n/a
Pr/Revenue n/a
Pr/Book n/a
Latest F'cast
Revenue n/a
PBT n/a
EPS n/a
DPS n/a

Abacus Group Fundamentals

Year Ending Revenue ($m) Pre-tax ($m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
30-Jun-08 139.00 69.39 73.21¢ n/a n/a +2% 67.24¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-09 118.75 (104.17) 41.34¢ n/a n/a -44% 38.60¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-10 114.25 25.66 19.44¢ n/a n/a -53% 15.69¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-11 296.20 54.67 19.30¢ n/a n/a -1% 16.44¢ 0.0%
30-Jun-12 236.12 10.50 19.10¢ n/a n/a -1% 16.44¢ 0.0%

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are end of day values only.

Note 2: Forecast figures based on normalised accounts.


Abacus Group Market Data

Currency Australian Dollars
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High NULL
52 Week Low $1.04
Shares Issued 579.79m

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