Rio Tinto Limited (RIO)


ASX 100

  • 52 Week High: NULL
  • 52 Week Low: $105.68
  • Currency: Australian Dollars
  • Shares Issued: 424.19m

RIO Overview

Rio Tinto, the world's third-biggest mining company, is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, in London and New York. It is engaged in uranium, thermal coal and coking coal operations. Rio Tinto is also interested in the production of borates, talc, industrial salt, and titanium dioxide feedstock. It has bought Canada’s Alcan to become the world's largest aluminum producer.

3 Month Chart

3 Month Chart

1 Year Chart

1 Year Chart


Latest F'cast
Div Yield 1.9%
Div Cover 5.6
Op Mrgn 23.0%
ROCE 20.4%
Latest F'cast
P/E 9.6
PEG 0.7
Pr/Revenue 0.5
Pr/Book 0.6
Latest F'cast
Revenue 9.7%
PBT -35.5%
EPS 13.3%
DPS 34.3%

RIO Fundamentals

Year Ending Revenue ($m) Pre-tax ($m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
31-Dec-07 29,700.00 9,836.00 360.14¢ n/a n/a +5% 84.61¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-08 54,264.00 9,178.00 656.23¢ n/a n/a +82% 107.27¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-09 41,825.00 7,860.00 357.10¢ n/a n/a -46% 45.00¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-10 55,171.00 20,491.00 713.30¢ n/a n/a +100% 108.00¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-11 60,537.00 13,214.00 808.50¢ n/a n/a +13% 145.00¢ 0.0%

RIO Forecasts

Year Ending Revenue ($m) Pre-tax ($m) EPS P/E PEG EPS Grth. Div Yield
31-Dec-24 52,758.05 16,483.23 646.67¢ 18.6 n/a -48% 366.70¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-25 53,004.10 17,716.04 670.47¢ 17.9 4.9 +4% 392.87¢ 0.0%
31-Dec-26 52,725.78 17,149.48 660.13¢ 18.2 n/a -2% 389.82¢ 0.0%

Copyright © 2024 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Note 1: Prices and trades are provided by Digital Look Corporate Solutions and are end of day values only.

Note 2: Forecast figures based on normalised accounts.


RIO Market Data

Currency Australian Dollars
% Change 0.00 %
52 Week High NULL
52 Week Low $105.68
Shares Issued 424.19m

What The Brokers Say

Strong Buy 3
Buy 5
Neutral 4
Sell 1
Strong Sell 0
Total 13
Broker recommendations should not be taken as investment advice, and are provided by the authorised brokers listed on this page.

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