Streaming Prices

The streaming prices tool lets you see the very latest price for a given security, as well us the latest 5 trades. The price and trades data will be updated continuously throughout the trading day. Each time the price is updated, it will be highlighted for up to 1 second, either in blue if the price is higher or in red if the price is lower than the previous price.

The price, change, and % change will display in:

Blue if the values are currently higher than the day's opening values

Green if the values are currently the same as the day's opening values

Red if the values are currently lower than the day's opening values

All other data will display in black. The volume data will be highlighted in black for up to 1 second each time it is updated.


Ticker - The three or four letter code used to identify the security by the London Stock Exchange

Price - The current price of the security

Change -The difference between the current price and the previous day's closing price, expressed in pence

%Change - The % difference between the current price and the previous day's closing price

Bid - The price at which a market maker will sell a security

Offer - The price at which a market maker will buy a security

Open - The price at which the security

High -The highest price the security has reached this day

Low - The lowest price the security has reached this day

Volume - The total number of shares that have been traded this day

Last Upd. -The time at which the data was last updated

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