The IPO Centre gives key information, news and contact details for companies planning to list on the stock market.
Name | Market | Type | Mkt Cap / Amt Raised | Issue Date | Description |
Cyclacel | Main | Placing | £83.5m / £26.0m | TBC | Cancer research firm |
Creechurch Group | Main | Placing | £75.0m / TBC | TBC | Specialised insurance |
CleaningTec | Aim | Placing | £1.3m / £1.0m | TBC | Specialist cleaning technologies |
Medpharma | Aim | Placing | £33.0m / £8.0m | TBC | Healthcare company |
Remnant Media | Aim | Placing | £25.0m / TBC | TBC | Pornographic business |
Wagamama | Aim | Placing | £50.0m / TBC | TBC | Japanese-style noodle bar chain |
Microscience | Aim | Placing | £100.0m / £35.0m | TBC | Biotechnology company |
The Gaming Bourse | Aim | Public Offer | £29.9m / £5.0m | TBC | Global betting exchange |
2e2 Group | Aim | Placing | £65.0m / £25.0m | TBC | IT services provider |
Shearings | Aim | Placing | £100.0m / TBC | TBC | Coach holiday company |
Pinnacle Regeneration | Aim | Placing | £30.0m / £15.0m | TBC | UK social housing investment and management |
Dyno Group | Aim | Placing | £50.0m / £47.0m | TBC | Drain services |
Fat Face | TBA | £60.0m / TBC | TBC | Ski and surf leisurewear | |
Pure Gym Group | Main | Public Offer | TBC / £190,000,000.0m | TBC | Gym operator |
Bakkavor Group | Main | Public Offer | TBC / £100,000,000.0m | TBC | Provider of fresh prepared food. |
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